Adonia Hentrich: I Almost Walked Away [Podcast Ep. 16]

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Today we’re joined by Adonia Hentrich. Adonia is a wife, mom to four kids, co-pastor of the Colorado Family Church, and founder of Heartland Academy Denver. She spent her early life in rural Missouri, learning about God by observing the world of nature. She dove deeper into her world of faith while attending a missionary gap year program, asking lots of hard questions, and even finding a few answers.

After marrying and having three of their children, Adonia and her husband decided to accept the call to pastor the Colorado Family Church. To an outside observer, this would perhaps look like a natural progression of life and faith, but this decision came on the heels of a very tumultuous time. Adonia was on the verge of giving up on this faith and leaving it all behind. The decision to stay and invest wholeheartedly has made all the difference for Adonia, her family, and her community.


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