Special Sermon: Justice Shall Prevail

True Mother warmly shares her heart with Unificationist youth at the Resurgence gathering in Las Vegas, NV on October 8, 2023

Message From President Dunkley About the Sermon

Dear family members,

True Mother asked that this sermon be read out to our USA leaders when we were with her in February. I believe it comforted her greatly to hear a younger person speak confidently about True Mother and our Blessing and responsibility to be able to become one with her. If you know someone who would still like to join our pilgrimage to Korea next week please send them to this link.

When our youth show up in support of our True Mother it gives Heavenly Parent great hope!

Rev. Demian Dunkley
FFWPU-USA President

Sermon by Jung Seong Min on February 11, 2024

Dear Cheonwon Palace, Cheonwon Great Church family.
The mighty 12th year of Cheon Il Guk has dawned! My sincere thanks to all of you for attending today’s service or joining us by video. I think Heavenly Parent will also be happy and proud to see you. On this first day of the new year, I would like to share grace with you, my true family, under the title “Justice Shall Prevail.” 

Let’s start by reading True Mother’s words she delivered on January 1, 2024:

2024 is the Gapjin Year of the Sexagenary cycle, and the 12th year of Cheon Il Guk is the Year of the Blue Dragon, which blows away all previous negative energy. In the upcoming 13th year of completion, the entrance ceremony of Cheonwon Palace Cheonil Sanctum will be held. There should be no shadows on all surfaces as it is prepared and finished. This year is very important, just as the heavens blessed us with white snow to help us dispel evil spirits.
— True Mother, January 1, 2024

True Mother gave us such precious words. 

Today, as the 12th year of Cheon Il Guk begins anew, I would like to talk about how to start the 12th year of Cheon Il Guk so that we can make a good beginning. 

Let's take a quick look at one thing first. There are many times when we liken our lives to a movie. So, let’s draw it in our heads together. Let’s say there is a movie that turns the wonderful lives of our family members into a work of art. All of the members here are wonderfully and beautifully playing their roles as main characters in each and every movie. 

If each individual is positioned as the main character of the movie, it seems like there is also a director who is in charge of the movie. Who could this director be? Yes, I think we can say that we are the Heavenly Parent, the omniscient and omnipotent director who knows how to do everything, and the True Parents who have come in reality. A director who is more capable, more perfect, and more wonderful than the famous Steven Spielberg or James Cameron is making a movie with us as the main characters. 

Now, if there is a director like that, there must be people who help and assist the director, right? There will be several staff members, including a lighting director, audio director, and camera director. So who can explain who these staff are? Yes, I think it can be explained that they are heavenly angels and absolute good spirits. And the ancestors of our family members will also be included here. These wonderful staff members are assisting the director and doing their best together with him to make this movie with us as the main characters great. It is working. 

Now, all preparations for filming the movie are complete. The director and staff are also perfectly prepared. Now we, the main characters, are about to start acting, but I feel like something is missing. What is it? 

Ah, the script is missing—a script that details the roles the main characters must play—a very thick but clearly written script. First of all I’ll go through this script page by page and see what all it contains. Looking at each page, I can see that this script contains the director's intention. And this script conveys the director's dream and purpose. Not only the director but also all the staff prepared everything according to this script. The location has also been prepared according to the script. Props, cameras, lighting, all of these have been prepared according to the script. And the roles the main characters should play have been laid out in great detail. 

What is this script? [Yes, that’s right! Words!] 

In this movie, which is planned and directed by Heavenly Parent and True Parents, everything is prepared and executed according to this script and words. So, what do we, the main characters, have to look at and act out? The script, I mean. If we look at these words and act according to them and put them into practice, we, the protagonists, may be a little lacking and inferior, but because we have Director Choi, the best staff, and the best script, we can make a great movie. And the director has also prepared with that in mind. That's it. 

Let’s look at a passage from the Bible about this.

Jesus answered and said, Man does not live by bread alone. It is said that we will live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
— Matthew 4:4

Well, man does not live by bread alone, but by what? Jesus, the only begotten Son, is telling us strongly that we must live through the Word and centering on the Word! 

True Parents also gave a short but powerful speech.

Take the word as your life. You just have to absolutely obey the Word.
— True Father (021-176)

He strongly and seriously mentioned the importance of the Word. 

However, True Parents went further and enacted this in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. If you look at Cheon Il Guk Constitution, Chapter 2, Section 2, Article 27: Obligations of Blessed Families:

1. Blessed families must inherit the True Parents’ tradition and live a life of devotion to continue it.
2. Blessed families must have exemplary character and live a life of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience according to the words of True Parents.
3. Blessed families must respect and protect the True Parents’ family.

This is clearly stated in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. These are all important items, but they are telling us such a powerful message that they want us to live according to their words and script, to the extent that they enacted it into law, saying, “We must live a life of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to the words of True Parents.” 

We can see how important this script is in the movie. True Parents are telling us over and over again how much influence these words have in our lives and how precious and indispensable they are. 

Our beloved family, what about this movie in which we star as the main characters? It's already planned from start to finish. We have the very best director, all staff are centered around the director, and everything is already prepared and planned according to the script. 

As the main characters in our own movies, we don't need to look at anything else. All you have to do is read this script carefully. If you look at this script and know exactly what He wants, what He intends, and what He wants to express, and just follow that, the movie can definitely be a huge hit. 

fWell, then, now we, the main characters, have to unfold the script and act. What is written in the script? What is written? Are you curious? From that perspective, let’s look again at the words we read earlier. I have organized True Mother’s precious words into three parts.

1. The 12th year of Cheon Il Guk is the year of the Blue Dragon, blowing away all the negative energy of the past.
2. However, in the 13th year of Cheon Il Guk, there must be no shadows on any side at the Cheonwon Palace entrance ceremony. Everything must be meticulously organized. 

I think I can summarize what I said. To sum up, this is the 12th year of Cheon Il Guk, and this year is the year in which everything must be completely organized. I believe that must be our clear and unanimous conclusion. So when I read these words of True Mother, one idiom came to mind. The adage goes “Justice shall prevail.” The title of today’s talk is “Sapilgwijeong—justice ultimately prevails.” Interpreting “Sapilgwijeong”, “No matter what happens, in the end, it returns to what is right according to the right principles.” This is consistent with True Mothers words of trying to put all the wrong things in order. 

Yes, but I would like to change the first character here, 'Il Sa-i-a', to 'Evil Sa-il'. I’m replacing it with the character representing “evil energy.” So, if we interpret the meaning anew, it means that whatever is evil will definitely return to what is right. I think this is the true meaning of the saying, conveying True Mother's earnest wish to straighten out all the things that have become wrong and deviated through the fall of mankind into right ones and reconnect them to Heavenly Parent. 

So what kind of things has True Mother cleared up and organized to lead the providence in this spirit of returning to life?

1. First, God has been defined as our Heavenly Parent.
2. The 615 volumes of True Father’s sermons have been organized and grouped into the three major scriptures.
3. Through the CheonBo Families, God is leading the providence by organizing the past, present, and future of the CheonBo Families.
4. Most recently, Mother's precious intention is to establish conditions for the spirit world to work, clear up the central spirits, and raise up the fortune for unification of North and South Korea by Special Liberation of the central spirits concerning North Korean compatriots.
5. The Death Valley Salt that True Mother will personally consecrate and bequeath to us. As Mother prepared the Holy Salt, she also gave us precious words to discern, separate, clear up, and organize through this Holy Salt, to expand the environmental sphere in which Heavenly Parent can work, and to find the righteous people. True Mother is carrying out the providence of returning home by clearing up, reorganizing, and purging the wrong things in various areas and on all fronts.
6. Furthermore, True Mother also reorganized True Parents. In order to enter the Cheonil Sanctum and CheonWon Gung, they had to become pure, immaculate True Parents without the slightest stain or blemish, so True Father and True Mother stand as the Second Coming Messiah and the First Coming True Mother. By declaring to us that she is God’s Only Begotten Daughter, Mother clearly revealed the secrets of history and the truth of providence, thereby establishing the eternal order for True Parents. True Mother has proceeded in this way for the completion of the providence: Even in the middle of the desert surrounded by a sandstorm, she managed to find a small needle. With such an earnest heart, she’s been administering the providence. She untangled the tangled threads one by one, organizing them and putting them all in order. And she undid the first button that was sewn incorrectly. As she attaches the buttons one by one, she is preparing a dragon cloth to present to Heavenly Parent.
7. Thankfully by the way, Mother did not forget us either. So that we can move to a place of pure white, pure blood, and pure gold—she gave us the precious gift of Cheon Shim Won. Let’s read True Mother's words (2017.11.4):

More than anything else, I hoped that the blessed families who should live in True Parents’ environmental sphere would be healthy and become dutiful sons and daughters, loyal subjects to True Parents. Heaven granted my earnest wish, and the work of the Holy Spirit began centering on Cheongpyeong.

The new era and new history since Foundation Day is moving Cheongpyeong as the work of the True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter, and the Substantial Holy Spirit. You must come here and receive the work of the Holy Spirit to make yourself, along with your three generations—past, present, and future—healthy citizens of Cheon Il Guk, without stain or blemish. ... Since your environment is within the realm of corruption, you must come here often to keep your mind and body healthy.
— True Mother, April 11, 2017


True Mother said, “I am the only one left.” It must be daunting to lead the providence alone. Guiding the heavenly providence, she lives each day as if it were a thousand years. What can we say? Please extend a hand to those who are lacking or falling short, and lift them up. Through the miraculous and precious place called Cheon Shim Won, Mother has given us a great blessing to become organized and reborn with a flawless and healthy appearance! Thank you, Mother, for giving us this precious blessing! Would you like to give a round of applause in gratitude to True Mother? (clap) Thank you. 

In addition to what I mentioned, True Mother said that she conducts providences that we do not know about and would not dare to imagine, in order to drive out wrong things, organize them, and set them in order. The providence of returning home is being carried out. 

Dear family members, True Mother on Jan. 1, 2024 described what scenarios will unfold in this 12th year of Cheon Il Guk. And she gave us the script. So what should we do as the main characters? You should read the script first. Examining closely, I will research how to carry out my role, compose a picture in my head, and put it into practice. You have to follow the script. 

If we move ahead and put her words into practice like that, then what scenarios can we expect in the year 2025? It is the holy year when the Entrance Ceremony of the Cheonwon Palace Cheonil Sanctum will be held and True Parents will assume the role of the God of Day. And next year is the 80th Anniversary of Liberation Day, the glorious year when Vision 2025 is achieved, national restoration is accomplished, Heavenly Parent’s kingdom appears on earth, and true liberation is realized at last. When we celebrate the 13th year of Cheon Il Guk, the number of completion of creation, it will be a very meaningful year in which the original world of creation called Cheon Il Guk will be completed, starting with Foundation Day. 

That’s why True Mother says this year 2024 is so important. In order to triumphantly welcome this precious year that will never come again, in this 12th year of Cheon Il Guk we will remove all blemishes and stains from all aspects of our life and our work. So I’m saying that we must clear up and organize our space so that there are no shadows. In other words, we completely drive out all evil energy. What I’m saying is that it will be the year of Sapilgwijeong—when “Justice shall prevail!” 

Dear family members, I sincerely hope that I could touch your heart; that through our time together today, you can understand just a little bit what True Mother’s intentions are for the 12th year of Cheon Il Guk, a little bit about what we should do as protagonists.

Let us stand with our Heavenly Parent and True Parents in all that True Mother leads, guides, and provides. I pledge to actively participate and produce results, fulfilling my responsibilities as a great protagonist. In this 12th year of Cheon Il Guk, we bear fruit with the attitude of restoring our own lives. Let us bring great victory for the 13th year of Cheon Il Guk. Many new members will join our Cheonwon Great Church family. All our family members will be reborn as wonderful protagonists, and all together you’ll see a great victory! Now let us all pray together.


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