A Soul-Stirring Workshop Inspires Midwest CARP Members

Photos courtesy of Midwest CARP

“I felt God’s hands tugging at my heart and asking me to know that I am loved,” shared an Indianapolis CARP member. “I learned more about [God’s] ideal and that first I have to receive love and understand it before I can give it and live in it.”

CARP chapter leaders ushered in the new year with a soul-stirring “Midwest CARP Winter Workshop” from January 5 to 8 in Chicago. More than 20 participants, including five new members who recently finished studying the Divine Principle, joined the program from chapters in Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, and Ohio.

“The first day was filled with liveliness and high spirits as participants took part in icebreakers and team-building activities,” reported an organizer. “The mornings began with a small group reading of Mother of Peace ... [and] the participants learned about [True Mother’s] life and the contributions she made for the world at large.”

A series of lectures presented during the workshop included topics like “The Essence of God,” “Creating A Life You Love,” and “How to Practice A Life of Faith.” A worship session of praise and music was followed by a special “Letter to God” activity, where participants privately addressed their repentance, determination, and gratitude to Heavenly Parent.

“I felt I really opened up and exposed myself to God,” said a CARP member from Minnesota. “I enjoyed everyone’s company and learning God’s grace through everyone ... I want to forgive and love unconditionally, [and] care for everyone like they are my brother and sister.”

Organizers said the group was touched by the letter-writing exercise and also felt inspired by discussions about True Parents’ life and the hardships they overcame through their enduring love for God and people. In particular, an organizer shared, “One participant was so moved by the sacrifice and spiritual investments made by True Parents that he couldn’t stop himself from proclaiming all of their successes as a couple working toward peace.”

As participants created meaningful relationships over the weekend, they enjoyed games like Pictionary and friendly rounds of bowling. Activities prompting deeper introspection and reflection, such as goal-setting, left many of them feeling uplifted and in a fresh headspace for the coming year.

“Individuals had the opportunity to set intentions for the workshop,” recalled an organizer. “Afterwards, each person shared about the goals that they had set for the weekend and the growth they hoped to achieve [throughout the year].”

The group was encouraged to take responsibility for the life that they wish to lead and practice good faith habits to support them on their respective journeys. The workshop concluded with personal testimonies and sharing inspirations from the program.

“After the workshop, I want[ed] to start teaching and giving unconditional love to everyone; [to] forgive a hundred times and more,” shared a participant from Minnesota.

You can learn more about CARP USA here, and support its ongoing work here.


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