God is first and foremost our Heavenly Parent, encompassing both female and male, mother and father. As it says in Genesis 1:27, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

A parent wishes for their children to become better, more capable, happy and creative than themselves. God is not a distant, removed supernatural being, but our original parent who feels, who loves and is in deep pain due to our suffering. Humanity lost our connection to the divine and each other. Our responsibility is to bring comfort to God’s heart by restoring that personal relationship to God and each other. We believe that we are one family with God.


The Marriage Blessing is a worldwide tradition where couples dedicate, or re-dedicate, their marriage to a greater purpose and God.

Mass marriages are becoming more popular around the world, and we are proud to say that we have lead this effort for over 50 years. The Marriage Blessing offers a path to build a world of stronger marriage and healthier families. By receiving the Marriage Blessing, we can relate directly to God as our Heavenly Parent, as God’s sons and daughters, and as God’s family.



‘True’ means that we are so one with God on a personal level that we do all things with consideration of God’s perspective. ‘True’ is a level of heart that we are all meant to achieve.
The original human couple were meant to become the first “true parents” and raise a family with God’s love as the source, centered on this love, but that didn’t happen. Our relationship with God was broken. God has been searching for a couple who could stand in that position to repair that relationship. We believe this couple is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.


The Divine Principle is a transformative worldview written for a new age. It focuses on individual spiritual growth and development from a perspective rooted in God.

The Divine Principle helps us to understand who we truly are and what we can do to reach the innate potential that God has always intended for us.

The Divine Principle presents a unique story of God working through Biblical and world history. The purpose of which is to reawaken each person’ understanding of their divine contribution to bringing the world back into God’s family.

Read the Divine Principle